Preserving The Intimate Moments with Lingerie Designer Sarah Waston


You know the kinetic saying - “There is a cause and effect for everything,” and we need no reminder that what is happening in our society today is not an exclusion for any of us. It’s almost impossible to materialize a revolution without conflict and pain. After all the history that has come before us, what does that mean specifically in our community homes and lives? In times like these, we can make space for more profound, more intimate moments with our loved ones - opportunities in which we can peel back layers within ourselves and discover new ways to connect.

Divine Enthusiast sat down with Lingerie Designer and Creative Director of Breakfast at Six, Sarah Waston, to discuss how to cultivate a new ritual and relationship with lingerie that feels more sacred with ourselves and our loved ones. Sarah is a game-changer in her own right within the lingerie industry. With her unique, vibrant designs tailored on a bespoke level, Sarah’s brand is rooted in empowering yourself and the body.

When the shutdown first happened, like many of us, I was unsure about what it would look like for my family and me on a day-to-day basis. My husband and I work full-time day jobs and run our businesses, so there was already a lot on our plates. When we were set up to work from home, we then became homeschool instructors, on top of everything else. It was my job to keep my head in the game and uplift my family creatively, as we will be around each other more than we ever have been before. That sounds weird, right? Spending more time around your immediate family? For a long time, I’ve had mom guilt about working a 9-5, getting home around 7, steamrolling through the same routine day after day, and going to bed shortly after homework is done. In hindsight, I really can’t remember when was the last time we had an authentic, natural family connection with one another since an intentional family vacation over a year ago. But here we are, at home 24/7, learning new things about one another that we may or may not have paid attention to or took time to figure out before - just being honest.


Not only are we discovering ourselves more, but others around us can benefit from that glow up by catering more to ourselves. Now is the perfect time to fill your cup. We are living with our bodies more extended than usual, and in some cases, we can take our time to intentionally get dressed in the morning and set the tone for the day. Now is the time to be the best caregiver to our bodies.



The intimate representation of our affection or interest for one another can be shown in various ways. Finding your wholeness in your creativity and allowing lingerie to be that creative vehicle can open up a whole new world of exploration and a deeper understanding of yourself. I'm finding that this time we're experiencing right now is truly a liberating and pivotal shift we've been asking for. It's a time to indulge, embrace, and celebrate ourselves, and incorporating lingerie into the loungewear rotation can spice up your confidence. Experiencing authentic lingerie (not just a bra and panty set) is a gift that keeps giving. It uplifts and hugs our perfect bodies and helps us to look and FEEL damn good. The simple act of dancing in the mirror wearing quality lingerie is the ultimate self-care practice. It's this sacred time with yourself, giving yourself permission to disconnect and bask in your wholeness that amplifies your self-esteem and encourages you to cherish your body even more.



We're advocating for more memorable experiences with your partner that create a greater connection between the two of you. It is often assumed that our partners make us whole when in reality, they should complement one another, and, yes, living together in one another's' energy is a whole other level of intimacy. With the many layers of life's challenges, we're seeing partners enter a deeper level of commitment, one that hits the very core of who we are.

I know all too well that when we are super busy in our tasks and harnessing our energy with everyone else, that is the actual time when we feel the most alone, ironically. The reason being is, we are not sharing that valuable time with the one that brings out that oxytocin we all need, that passion, that relapse from the world. I love working from home with my husband because I can challenge the notion of pure spontaneity that we used to experience freely with no kids in the house. Spontaneity full circle's the needs of one another because it's not like your job will carve out that type of time for you. You and your partner must carve out the necessary time to feel connected, especially if you have kids. Something as simple as a one-piece lingerie unitard paired with a cardigan can still feel good and empowering for the both of you.

The same realization I had with my family, and that craving of connection with one another that has taken a back seat (until now), is the same experience I noticed with my customers and the women I have had the pleasure of interacting with through social media during this quarantine. Sales were up, engagement and sharing have gone up, and I attribute it to people just taking the time to read content vs. a constant on the go scroll that we usually fall into when we are busy but want to “stay connected.”


Although the production of my collection halted for Spring, I have finally reached a good rebounding point in the business where I can launch for the summer, and I’m excited about it. I wanted to answer the call for comfort while remaining true to the core values of the Breakfast at Six girls, vibrant, passionate, and timeless. They are still comforting pieces, but it’s just the right amount of spark everyone needs in their life.

You can find more of Sarah and Breakfast at Six on IG @Breakfast_AtSix and on FB @Breakfast at Six along with a curated Pinterest following of tips and tricks for your intimate needs @BreakfastatSix. 


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