Be Your Own Mantra - Positive Self-Talk in an Era of Uncertainty
By Imani Mixon | October 10, 2018
The more time we spend on this earth, interacting with new people and learning new things about ourselves, the more we are encouraged to come up with a static definition of who we are and what we wish to do. All it takes is an unexpected event, trauma, or life shift to leave us scrambling for more ways to name our feelings and ourselves. You can be outwardly productive and internally sad, you can get all the love in the world without knowing how to love the universe within yourself, you can have the biggest ideas in the world and have trouble taking the smallest step, but the good news is we’ve all been there. Chances are, we’ll be back again. To be dynamic, we have to create space in our understanding that allows us to be multitudinous. When hard, weird, or new times arise, we need a method for calling forth our true self.
When I find myself on shaky ground, the easiest way to listen to my core and return to my center is to call up the feelings I’m seeking aloud. For example, a few weeks ago, I felt a little hollow inside, hesitant to take action, and missing the usual spark that I like to greet each day with. I wanted to ease up and feel a little more comfortable, and I whispered the word “soften” before heading out into the world for the day. Throughout the day, I received the opportunity to lighten up - an aspirational talk with a college student, a reunion with an old acquaintance on the sidewalk, a late-night text from my cousin to help her clean out her space. In these instances, I realize that many people in my life seek my support because they know I’m ready and willing. Fully engaging in these moments gave me a glimpse of myself and a chance to get back in step with how I like to move through the world. To put it simply, I was able to soften.
Oftentimes it takes more than one word or a matter of days to grasp the feelings and experiences you’re seeking. In those instances, it’s best to have a mantra. A mantra gives you permission to dig deeper and find words that stick and resonate.
Best case scenario? Your words become something you can memorize and chant aloud or recite in the mirror as you set intentions for your days and, ultimately, your life. Worst case scenario? It carries you lovingly from this moment to the next. Let’s make one.
Start by writing your name.
List two of your most cherished characteristics.
List two affirmative verbs.
Describe your ideal environment to access these feelings or emotions.
I am Imani Mixon. I am passionate and free. I benefit and prosper in spaces with people who love, support, and understand my full range of emotions.
I make a mantra when I’m just not feeling right or before I embark on any major project. As much as we accept responsibilities and expectations set on us by others, it’s essential to grant yourself the opportunity to get clear about what you wish to experience and how you can position your mindset in the best way to be present for those experiences. Write and re-write your mantras as often as you need to. Nobody can speak goodness onto your journey as well as you can!
If you feel so inclined, please feel free to share your mantras with me via social media (or if you see me on the streets). I want to know how you’re setting yourself free.